The Bencher—Technology Columns

Technology is a hot topic in the legal profession. We have a regular column in The Bencher devoted to technology, which is authored currently on a rotating basis by Joseph C. Leonard, Esquire; Raffi Melkonian, Esquire; Chief Judge Michael K. Newell and Ryan P. Newell, Esquire and previously Kevin F. Brady, Esquire and Richard K. Herrmann, Esquire. The following articles have been published in The Bencher:











  • Technology Drives Upcoming Changes to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure—By Kevin F. Brady, Esq. (Nov/Dec 2015)
  • Does Your Medical Insurance Cover You for PVS?—By Richard K. Herrmann, Esq. (Sep/Oct 2015)
  • Proportionality and Ethical Competence in Technology—By Kevin F. Brady, Esq. (Jul/Aug 2015)
  • The Unintended Cell Phone Call-The TBFTGOGGI Breach—By Richard K. Herrmann, Esq. (May/Jun 2015)
  • Technology and the Mentoring Challenge—By Kevin F. Brady, Esq. (Mar/Apr 2015)
  • Cell Phone Etiquette: The Rules Withstand the Test of Time—By Richard K. Herrmann, Esq. (Jan/Feb 2015)


  • Electronic Discovery "Too" Little Discussed Issues: Confidentiality and Privacy—By Richard K. Herrmann, Esq. (Sep/Oct 2014)
  • Email: Don't Cross the Ethical Line—By Kevin F. Brady, Esq. and Richard K. Herrmann, Esq. (Jul/Aug 2014)
PLEASE NOTE: Articles that are published in the The Bencher® are copyrighted and may not be, in full or in part, copied, reprinted, distributed, or stored electronically in any form without the written consent of the American Inns of Court.