Achieving Excellence

Achieving Excellence is a tiered achievement-based program that recognizes activities in which Inns are already involved and builds on an Inn's successes.

Each level recognizes an Inn's progress toward mastering effective practices in each of the five core competencies of Inn management: Administration, Communications, Program Development, Mentoring and Outreach Activities.

All information and documentation of your Inn's eligible activities for the 2024–2025 Achieving Excellence program should be emailed to by April 30, 2025. Please CC: your Director of Chapter Relations on your submission. Several activities MUST be submitted by June 30 of each year, making them the earliest deadlines of the qualifying period. Please note that there are also October 1 or November 30 items that are required to be submitted in order for your Inn to be eligible for higher levels of distinction.  Program Library or Program Award submissions along with "Inn the News" items are due within a 60-day time frame from when the event occurred. Please copy your Director of Chapter Relations on your submissions.

If your Inn would like pursue higher levels of distinction in the Achieving Excellence program, but have missed some of the early deadlines, please contact your Director of Chapter Relations, who can assist you to get started on the Achieving Excellence program for the next Inn year.

2023–2024 Achieving Excellence Results


Administration is the key to a successful Inn and with a strong foundation in administrative procedures an Inn is well on its way to success.


Communication on all levels is another key to running a successful Inn and can support the Inn's mission to the wider legal profession. An effective communication plan can work to keep members engaged, leaders trained, and ensure successful Inn operations.

Program Development

Monthly programs are the foundation of each Inn. Programs provide the unique opportunity for all levels of the profession to come together and learn from each other by focusing on practical legal skills with an emphasis on ethics, civility, and professionalism in the practice of law.


Mentoring, on a formal or informal basis, can be one of the most effective tools for providing information and counsel to new lawyers. Research has shown that mentorship is one of the driving reasons behind Inn membership. Having or being a mentor is one of the greatest gifts and advantages an Inn can offer its members.

Outreach Activities

Outreach involves hosting, mentoring or providing activities that promote the Inn movement in the legal community and public in general.

If you have additional questions about the Achieving Excellence program, the core competencies, and achievement levels or could not find an answer to your question online, please contact your Director of Chapter Relations.