Gerald T. Bennett Cooperative Learning American Inn of Court
The Gerald T. Bennett Cooperative Learning American Inn of Court in Gainesville, Florida, redirected the funds it would have spent catering its April 2020 meeting to feed first responders at local emergency rooms during the coronavirus pandemic. The Inn regularly meets at Blue Gill restaurant, so when members were unable to meet in person, they asked owner Bert Gill to use the funds normally spent to cater the event to prepare individually packed meals.
The restaurant provided, at cost, 180 lunches and dinners. The attorneys from the Inn delivered meals throughout the day. This was a win-win because it allowed the Inn to support a local business while feeding their community. In lieu of an in-person meeting, the group still gathered for a virtual meeting to finish the Inn year.

PHOTO CAPTION: From left to right, a Gainesville hospital administrator accepts food donations from Inn member Judge Jodi Cason; Inn President Katherine L. Floyd, Esq.; and Bert Gill, owner of Blue Gill restaurant.