Engaging Alumni, Emeritus and Honorary Members
Each member of an Inn has a membership status of active, emeritus, honorary, or alumnus. Active members are those that currently pay dues, receive The Bencher magazine, attend meetings, and participate in the program presentations or mentoring activities.
Emeritus Membership
Emeritus members are designated by Inns from among Masters of the Bench on the basis of long and distinguished service to their Inns and do not pay dues, but may pay for meals when attending meetings. Emeritus members may not participate on pupillage teams.
Honorary Membership
Honorary members are designated by Inns on the basis of distinguished service to the bench or bar, furtherance of American Inns of Court objectives, or other noteworthy achievements.
Both emeritus and honorary members are exempt from attendance requirements.
Alumni members are members that have rotated out of the Inn or withdrawn for other reasons and do not attend meetings or pay dues. This group of former members can be a resource for Inns. The Alumni Association can be helpful in engaging alumni members.
Emeritus, Honorary, and Alumni Member Engagement Resources