Inn Budget Development

Inn leaders are responsible for determining dues policy, establishing a dues rate based on member categories and re-occurring Inn expenses, including national dues collected by members. While not an exhaustive exercise, preparing a one-page budget helps the Inn to plan its activities, including both income and expense categories. The Inn has other annual expenses including sending incoming leaders to a scheduled leadership summit, national events such as the Celebration of Excellence, and possibly a joint meeting held locally with another Inn or legal organization. Some Inns also have a paid administrator that should be included in the expense category of an annual budget. Others have been fortunate enough to receive funds dedicated to creating an endowment for scholarship purposes.

Completing a budget is a requirement for the Achieving Excellence program, not because of the details contained in the budget, but rather to ensure that your Inn plans and prepares for its financial obligations. It also is a clear demonstration that the leadership team is actively working to create a solid financial footing for the upcoming Inn year, as well as for future generations of Inn leaders to follow. Inns must submit a budget in order to achieve or maintain Gold status and above in the Achieving Excellence program.

Budgeting Dates

  • November 30: Submit budget for current fiscal year
  • January 31: National dues paid in full

Sample Inn Budget

If you need additional assistance developing an annual operating budget, please contact your Director of Chapter Relations.