Sharing Stories
Mentor as…
The Power of a Mentor
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“I was overwhelmed by his immediate willingness, despite his busy schedule, to talk with me, and share his experiences, advice and insight. But he did more than that. He got me in touch with numerous friends and colleagues…made introductions, and generally went out of his way to help me network and get the information I needed.” (Mentor as past and present)
“…I told him, “Tom, take this and don’t ever lose it. It’s the number to the State Bar. After you put that form into evidence, you need to call them immediately. They appreciate people who self‐report ethical violations.” Somewhat startled, he took the phone number and left.“ (Mentor as Caution Light)
“…Mike wrote up this experience… and circulated it to all of the litigators in our law firm…trumpeting my success…He also stated in the memo that the trial judge had complimented me outside my presence to Mike in the hallway when I wasn’t present, indicating that he felt I showed a lot of experience for my years…But rather than taking credit for it, Mike gave credit to me. He never mentioned that he had coached me through the whole cross before I ever conducted it.” (Mentor as Coach & Cheerleader)
“Although desiring the position to which I had been assigned, my would‐be protégé did not enter the competition for the position because she lacked the administrative credential and the skills required. However, she sought my future support because we both shared a strong commitment to the goals and mission of the program. The necessary chemistry of trust, respect, and commitment to a larger goal were already well established.” (Mentor as Sponsor)
Mentoring Resources
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