Set against the fast-paced and entertaining backdrop of a 1970’s-style television game show, “Who Makes the Call?” asks the audience to participate in an exploration of authority. The program explored whether an attorney has authority to make various decisions in a typical litigation matter, or whether the client must make the call. The program is loosely based on a real case from Los Angeles, California, where an attorney claimed he did not have his client’s consent prior to agreeing to settle a case. The presentation stared at the beginning of the case, and followed the case through various stages of the litigation raising questions about who must “make the call,” the attorney or the client.

Presented By: The Anthony M. Kennedy American Inn of Court (30048)

Presented: November, 2012

Materials: Script, Articles, Citations of Law, Handouts, DVD

Topic Areas: Ethics, Gameshow Style-Program

CLE Approval: Pending

State: California

Hours: 1.5 (1.0 Ethics)

2023 National Program Awards Placement: Third Place

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