The Chester Bedell American Inn of Court
is creating a scholarship to honor
the Honorable Paul “Bill” Glenn, who passed away peacefully on July 7, 2019.

The Chester Bedell American Inn of Court is creating a scholarship to honor the Honorable Paul “Bill” Glenn, who passed away peacefully on July 7, 2019.

Judge Glenn was the consummate professional and gentleman. Upon Judge Glenn’s passing, the Honorable Steven Merryday observed, “During every minute of his twenty-five years of distinguished service, Judge Glenn brought to the court singular kindness, enduring tranquility, and studied intelligence, for which both the court and the community are grateful.”

Judge Glenn’s commitment to the American Inns of Courts spanned more than two decades. Besides serving as President of two American Inns of Court, he served with distinction on the American Inns Board of Trustees, received the American Inns of Court Bankruptcy Alliance Distinguished Service Award, and received the Bedell Inn’s Dewberry Award.

Judge Glenn is sorely missed.

The scholarship will align with Judge Glenn’s truly extraordinary engagement and stewardship of the Bedell Inn, and with his dedication to professionalism, ethics, civility, and excellence.

Please donate below

Judge Paul Glenn Scholarship
If you wish to donate by check, make checks payable to "American Inns of Court", note "Judge Glenn Scholarship" in the memo field, and send to:

American Inns of Court
225 Reinekers Lane
Suite 770
Alexandria, VA 22314