American Inns of Court Logo Request and Guidelines
Thank you for being a dedicated member of the American Inns of Court. Inns are welcome to use the logo for Inn-related content, but there are certain guidelines that must be followed.
The logotype and the crest are service marks of the American Inns of Court Foundation and should be indicated as such when using them on letterhead and/or websites. The logo, logotype, and crest are also registered trademarks of the American Inns of Court.
Inns are licensed to use the logo in whole only and may not alter or dissect the logo, crest, or logotype. Individuals are not permitted to use the logo or crest and may not use or post them on firm or personal letterhead or websites.
View the full American Inns of Court Guidelines for Inn Use of Logo, Logotype, and Crest.
The logo, logotype, and crest are valuable intellectual property of the American Inns of Court Foundation. As such, we must ensure that these guidelines are consistently followed. Any Inn or individual found in violation of these guidelines will be notified and asked to correct the violation.
If you would like to use the official logo, please fill out the form to submit a logo request.
For more information, please contact Rita Zimmerman at (800) 233-3590 ext. 103.