James I. Glasser, Esquire
2020 American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Second Circuit

For James Glasser, Esquire, being a lawyer is a family affair. His
grandfather went to Brooklyn Law School. His father—still working as a
federal judge at age 97—went to Brooklyn Law. His mother did too. His
brother is also a lawyer, although he did not go to Brooklyn. “The
family still has not forgiven him,” laughs Glasser, who earned his own
law degree at the school in 1985.
Glasser has been a partner at the Connecticut law firm Wiggin and
Dana LLP since 2007 and head of its litigation department since 2012.
From 2010 to 2013, he chaired the firm’s white collar and investigations
practice group.
“I hold our profession in the highest regard,” says Glasser, the
husband of a former lawyer and father of two daughters, one of whom is a
lawyer. “Being a lawyer is a noble mission.”
As a trial lawyer and appellate advocate, Glasser represents
individuals and corporations in complex civil litigation and in
investigations and prosecutions conducted by state and federal
regulators, including the U.S. Department of Justice, Securities and
Exchange Commission, Department of State, Department of Commerce, and
state attorneys general. He also conducts internal investigations and
helps companies ensure compliance with the law.
“I have been involved in helping predominantly defense contractors
and private companies make sure they have robust systems in place so
they do not find themselves subject to investigation by some regulatory
authority,” Glasser says. “A call to me is a sign that a company wants
to do the right thing and ensure compliance. That is music to my ears.”
Another of his specialties is defending white collar cases, such as
mail and wire fraud and alleged violations of the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act.
Glasser teaches trial practice at Yale Law School. In these “days of
the vanishing trial,” he says, it is gratifying to see students go from
not understanding the basics to becoming proficient at skills such as
getting pieces of evidence into evidence and conducting
Before joining Wiggin and Dana, Glasser spent almost two decades as a
federal prosecutor for the U.S. attorney’s office for the District of
Connecticut, handling cases involving corruption, fraud, civil rights
violations, money laundering, violent crime, drug trafficking, and other
federal offenses. The case he remembers most proudly was the
investigation and prosecution of the murder of an eight-year-old boy and
his mother to prevent the child from testifying as a witness.
His roles at the U.S. attorney’s office included counsel to the U.S.
attorney, chief of the criminal division, and chief of appeals. That
background serves Glasser well in his current role.
“Knowing where the prosecution is coming from and what their point of
view might be is helpful background as I vigorously and aggressively
represent those who may be subject to government scrutiny,” he says.
Glasser also lectured frequently at the U.S. Department of Justice’s
National Advocacy Center and helped create its advanced trial advocacy
Glasser is a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and
serves as the organization’s state chair for Connecticut. He is a member
of the Federal Bar Council and a member of the board of editors of the
Federal Bar Council Quarterly. He was the first recipient of the
Connecticut Law Tribune’s Professional Excellence Award in 2015.
In addition to his service to the legal community, Glasser is
president of the board of CT Star, a nonprofit organization that
supports Connecticut’s Support Court initiative, which helps current and
former criminal defendants with substance use problems reintegrate into
their communities. In addition to raising money for various programs,
Glasser and his fellow volunteers gather clothing that participants can
wear to job interviews and conduct mock interviews designed to help
participants answer difficult questions, such as whether they have a
felony conviction.
“It is just a way to support this wonderful effort undertaken by
dedicated federal judges in Connecticut to try not just to imprison
people but help folks on the wrong end of the law,” he says. He also
serves on the regional board of the Anti-Defamation League.
“Jim has always been a student of the law, and the person to whom
other lawyers—young and old—turn to for advice,” says Joseph W. Martini,
Esquire, of Spears Manning & Martini LLC, who wrote in support of
Glasser’s nomination for the award. “He simply makes other lawyers