Amenders: Equality War (Celebrating 150 Years of the Four...
Amenders: Equality War (Celebrating 150 Years of the Fourteenth Amendment) In this amusing and informative program, the presenters undertook the task of educating audience members about the power and scope of the Fourteenth Amendment by depicting the Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments as well-known superhero characters. They provided a thorough review of the Fourteenth Amendment’s 150-year history through five scenes: an opening, three vignettes, and a closing, replete with Constitution-inspired songs and musical performances. This historical deep dive pushed the audience to think about a variety of big-picture questions in the law and reminded the audience of the great power that the law has—both by drafting new legislation and applying it in the courts—to improve the lives of millions of our fellow Americans.

Presented By: The Garland R. Walker American Inn of Court (30015)

Presented: April, 2018

Topic Areas: Fourteenth Amendment, Discrimination and Harassment, Historical Program

Materials: Script, Articles, Citations of Law, List of Questions, Handouts, PowerPoint Presentation and Video

CLE Approval: Approved

State: Texas

Hours: 1 (.25 ethics)

2019 National Program Awards Placement: First Place

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