American Inns of Court
National Conversation on Civility
Join us this fall to discuss the role of civility in the legal profession.
Reserve your seat now; space is limited!

As part of its Civility Month, the American Inns of Court is hosting a National Conversation on Civility addressing the importance and role of civility in the legal profession.
On Saturday, October 21, 2017 we are pleased to present a panel discussion, moderated by Kannon K. Shanmugam, Esq., of Williams and Connolly LLP. Panelists include: Hon. Benes Aldana, President, National Judicial College; Hon. Patricia Millett, United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit; Hon. William C. Koch, Jr., Dean, Nashville School of Law; and Kim J. Askew, Esq., partner at K&L Gates, and 2015 recipient of the AIC Professionalism Award for the Fifth Circuit.
Following the panel presentation, Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch of the Supreme Court of the United States and Hon. Deanell Reece Tacha will discuss civility and professionalism in the practice of law.
In the lead up to this program, American Inns of Court members will be invited to join an online community to discuss the nature of civility, the costs of incivility, the benefits of practicing law with civility, and other issues connected to civility. Community members will also be invited to contribute questions for the panelists. The online community will be opened in October as part of the American Inns of Court’s celebration of Civility Month.
Who Should Attend
This program is open to all American Inns of Court members and their guests.
When and Where
Saturday, October 21, 2017
8:00 -- 9:00 a.m., Breakfast
9:00 a.m. -- 12:00 p.m., Panel and follow-on discussion between Judge Tacha and Associate Justice Gorsuch
Washington Court Hotel
525 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
A registration fee of $125 per person for members and guests includes breakfast and the three-hour program.
Payment must be received by Friday, October 13, 2017 in order to finalize your participation and confirm your seat. A confirmation e-mail will be sent upon receipt of payment.
Refund Policy
Full refunds will be issued for written cancellations received on or before October 7, 2017. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after October 7, 2017.
Attire is business casual.
Travel and Hotel Accommodations
Participants are responsible for their own travel and hotel accommodations. If you are also attending the Celebration of Excellence, you will receive information about discounted hotel rooms with your confirmation.
Please contact Libby Bingham with any questions.