Inn Meetings, Programs, and Contacts

Attendance at meetings of Alliance member Inns is open to all members of sister Inns who are able to attend.  If you are planning an upcoming trip and would like to coordinate your trip to permit you to attend an Alliance Inn meeting, please use this interactive map to contact the local Inn for your destination.

Members of the Linn Inn Alliance

Inn NameCityStateWebsite
Giles S. Rich American Inn of CourtWashingtonDC
John C. Lifland American Inn of CourtNew BrunswickNJ
San Francisco Bay Area Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtSan Francisco, Oakland, and Palo AltoCA
Benjamin Franklin American Inn of CourtPhiladelphiaPA
Judge Paul Brown American Inn of CourtShermanTX
Richard Linn American Inn of CourtChicagoIL
Judge Paul R. Michel Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtLos AngelesCA
Hon. William C. Conner American Inn of CourtNew YorkNY
Alan D. Lourie Boston Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtBostonMA
Seattle Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtSeattleWA
Honorable Charles A. Pannell Jr. Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtAtlantaGA
Honorable Lee Yeakel Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtAustinTX
Hon. David E. Peebles IP American Inn of CourtAlbanyNY
Colorado Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtDenverCO
Honorable Barbara M. G. Lynn American Inn of CourtDallasTX
Pauline Newman IP American Inn of CourtAlexandriaVA
Q. Todd Dickinson Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtPittsburghPA
Michigan Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtDetroitMI
Honorable Nancy F. Atlas Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtHoustonTX
Tokyo Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtTokyoJAPAN
Howard T. Markey Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtIrvineCA
Honorable Jimmie V. Reyna Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtMinneapolis and St. PaulMN
Judge Janet Bond Arterton American Inn of CourtNew HavenCT
David K. Winder Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtSalt Lake CityUT
S. Jay Plager Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtIndianapolisIN
Kathleen M. O'Malley American Inn of CourtClevelandOH
Nashville Entertainment and IP Law American Inn of CourtNashvilleTN
South Florida Intellectual Property American Inn of CourtMiamiFL
Kara Farnandez Stoll American Inn of CourtCharlotteNC